CDP sustainability rating 2023

REHAU receives top rating again


Every year, the non-profit initiative CDP examines and evaluates data voluntarily submitted by companies and cities in order to make the global impact on the climate visible. REHAU has been participating since 2014 and has now received the top grade B for the third time in a row.

The CDP rating is eagerly awaited every year. This is hardly surprising, as the data collected and evaluated by the non-profit environmental organization is considered the gold standard when it comes to assessing companies and cities in terms of ecological criteria. The focus is on all activities that have an impact on the climate, water and forests. More than 21,000 companies voluntarily submitted their data this year - more than ever before. "This underlines the great importance and significance of the CDP rating," confirms Andreas Jenne, Head of Sustainability at REHAU Industries. REHAU has been voluntarily participating in this project since 2014, with REHAU Industries and REHAU Automotive as independent units since 2022. In the currently published CDP rating 2023, both were once again able to secure the top rating of B and are thus above the average of C for the "plastics manufacturing" industry.

Press contact

Corinna Seeger

Ytterbium, 91058 ErlangenĀ 
Tel.: +49 9131 92 5785

Taking a closer look at the individual scores, REHAU Automotive even achieved the top grade of A in the category "Emissions reduction initiatives and low carbon products". "We are very pleased with this good result, as it highlights the benefits of the numerous measures we have implemented. However, the overall rating also shows that we still have further potential for improvement," emphasizes Andreas Pinkernelle, Head of Sustainability at REHAU Automotive. Andreas Jenne agrees: "We are pursuing an ambitious sustainability strategy at REHAU Industries. This rating is both an excellent confirmation and motivation for us to achieve even more."

About CDP

CDP is a non-profit organization with regional offices and partners in 50 countries that transparently assesses global environmental activities. The assessment methodology is fully aligned with the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the most important environmental standards and therefore provides a comparable data set for the entire market. Companies, cities, states and regions from over 90 countries now regularly disclose their data to the CDP.

Further information on REHAU Industries commitment to sustainability can be found at: The REHAU Way: Sustainability and for REHAU Automotive at: Sustainability at REHAU.

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