Sustainability report 2020

REHAU publishes sixth sustainability report

CO2 emissions reduced, recycling ratio increased


REHAU has been documen­ting its contri­bution to the environ­ment and society as a respon­sible family busi­ness for ten years now. In the repor­ting years 2011/2012, it was shown for the first time how the com­pany deals with its ecolo­gical, econo­mic and social responsi­bility and what goals it had set itself for the coming years. It also reveals the succes­ses of the imple­mented sustaina­bility measures.

In the new REHAU sustaina­bility report, all of the company's activi­ties in 2020 are presen­ted transpa­rently accor­ding to the repor­ting guide­lines of the Global Reporting Initiative (reporting option 'core'). An over­view of the sustaina­bility stra­tegy, the medium-term objec­tives and the com­pre­hen­sive sustaina­bility efforts of the Automotive, Building Solutions, Furniture and Industrial Solutions and Window Solutions divi­sions set the frame­work for this repor­ting period.

Press Contact

Claudia Tümmler

95111 Rehau
Tel.: +49 9283 771094

Originating from a volun­tary repor­ting process, the impor­tance of the topic has been conti­nuous­ly en­han­ced in the com­pany. With the signing of the UN Global Compact and a sustain­a­bility stra­tegy de­rived from the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, a trans­pa­rent frame­work has been created that shows which fields of action REHAU is focu­sing on. The recog­nition as part of the 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders initia­tive proves that the path is the right one: as one of 50 leading compa­nies world­wide, REHAU has selected a broad range of measures to make busi­ness models more sustainable.

"In a very drastic way, the year 2020 has shown us how fragile our living spaces are," CEO Bill Christensen intro­du­ces with a fore­word. With the Coronavirus pan­de­mic, not only the pro­duc­tion facili­ties of REHAU Automotive stopped for weeks, protec­ting the health of all emplo­yees world­wide was an abso­lute prio­rity. At the same time, the REHAU Group carried out an exten­sive trans­for­ma­tion to ensure a robust foun­dation for the future and to streng­then the indivi­dual divi­sions. "The cou­rage and personal initia­tive with which we have been opera­ting as a family busi­ness since our founding continues to drive us for­ward," Christensen sums up. At the same time, REHAU has worked consis­tently on the four fields of action – sustain­able growth, accele­rating climate protec­tion, driving for­ward the cir­cu­lar economy and promoting diversity – and has been able to improve further here, taking into account unique effects. The achieve­ment of the 2025 target for CO2 reduction by 30 percent and the increase in the recyc­ling ratio to 15 percent are worth high­lighting. REHAU is also expan­ding its cir­cu­lar economy approach and is streng­thening its product port­folio with so-called "Green Product Lines".

The current REHAU Sustainability Report 2020 is now avai­lable for download online.

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