RSA0004_CL - 1115068

REHAU Railway Solutions at Rail Solutions Asia and Middle East Rail 2023


Since the start of production in 2012, the volume of conductor rails produced for underground and suburban railways has increased from year to year. Whereas at the beginning the REHAU systems were mainly used in European regions, e.g. on underground or suburban railway lines in Munich, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Brussels, Stockholm, Berlin or Oslo, those responsible around the globe are now opting for our solutions.
REHAU Railway Solutions is close to the market and close to the customers all over the globe.
In May REHAU joint two international exhibitions and was able to present the conductor rail systems and the 3rd Rail reference projects in the German Pavilion:

Exhibition Rail Solutions Asia (24. - 26.05.23, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 
Exhibition Middle East Rail (15. - 16.05.23, Abu Dhabi, VAE)

And the journey 2023 continues: the next "stops" for are Korea, Japan and India.

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