Real Talk with REHAU:

a conversation on leading your team through disruption

How can we best lead our teams when we don't know what tomorrow holds?

Every day a new issue arises that brings new challenges to making decisions. Taking risks in these volatile times means we must all work together to find new ways to lead our teams.

CEO Dr. Thomas Troeger had an open conversation on how people, strategy and execution are keys to leading your team in everchanging environments.

He provided insight into strategies he uses to:

  • Increase employee satisfaction
  • Prepare for change
  • Set manageable goals for his team


“It’s very crucial for us to put effort into not just attracting employees who will help us drive the business based on what we think, but to trying to hire from a very diverse background to help us build the teams that we need in the organization moving forward.”


“The leader of a company needs to define where they want to go by setting five to 10 targets that are communicated down. The beauty of this is, if done correctly, everybody in the organization will understand what they are contributing to the overall goal and will feel valued because they’re now part of the solution.”


“If we don’t listen to our teams, the people around us, we make the wrong calls. That’s why I always tell our managers to lead with 'why' and be the last one in the meeting to speak. If you listen first to everybody else talking, then you have a holistic overview.”

About the speaker:

Dr. Thomas Troeger

CEO of REHAU Americas

Thomas's passion is to be a strategic leader to employees and a reliable partner to customers. Working closely with his leadership team, he prioritizes personal growth and actively seeks innovative strategies for the disruptive business environment that he’s convinced is here to stay. He fosters a culture of respect and trust among employees and encourages partners to do the same by openly discussing the challenges and successes of his leadership journey in a company that makes and moves real things. 

Connect with Thomas on LinkedIn.

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